Command and Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour Downloads > Total Conversion Mods:

War Games

Download nameWar Games
Game: Command and Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour
Author: WGZH Team
Category: Total Conversion Mods
File Size: 57.3MB
MD5 Hash: 52DB44133AD48B4B73751E93C21A2991
Version: 0.1
Downloaded 2401 times.
Added on: Feb, 22nd 2012 04:19 PM (16:19)
I know you want to like it ;)
War Games is a total conversion for Zero Hour, from the creators of Shockwave. The idea for the mod came from an old game called "WarGames". The game was really innovative, but never became popular. Many of the features in "WarGames" eventually came to be seen in future RTSes, of which became popular.

thumbnail thumbnail

***************************************Wargames Zerohour Public beta release 0.1***************************************

****Installation (with the installer release)****

After Downloading doube click WGZH01B.EXE to start the installation procedure.
the installation willinstall the mod into the default ZH Folder(Default C:Program FilesEA GamesGenerals Zerohour TM).
if you installed it in a different folder you have to manualy tell the installer to install it in that folder.
after installing a desktop shortcut will be added to your desktop which you can use to run the mod.

****Uninstalling (with the installer release)****
Go to your start menu > all programs > Wargames Zerohour and click on the uninstall icon which will uninstall the mod

****About this mod****

This mod actually started nearly 2 years ago as an idea in mind of the someone you all mostly know as The Hunter altho the idea never gotten any form until early 2006 were I made the very first model for the mod and started working on organizing the mod and planning things by myself.
The mod itself is based of an old game known as WarGames which was made by a game studio which was formerly known as InterActive Studios.
Altho the game was absolutely amazing and very ahead of it's time when it was released it never got the attention which it deserved (or at least not in my oppinion) as many features of the game were seen in other RTS games way later and some I have yet to see in other RTS games.

****The game.****

The game itself is about the N.O.R.A.D. (North American Aerospace Defense Command) and the W.O.P.R. (War Operations Plan Response).
The N.O.R.A.D. represents the human side of the game which must protect humanity from total annilhilation by the W.O.P.R.
The W.O.P.R. side is a race controlled by a big super computer and their weapons are state of the art hightech weaponry.
The W.O.P.R. mainframe wants to prevent war in the world by eliminating humanity and only the N.O.R.A.D. is capable of stopping the W.O.P.R. advance.

Anyway that's it for history about the game and the mod. With this project we want all gamers in the world to get a second chance to experience this game on a better capable 3D engine with all features from the original game restored which has lead us to create this mod. We all hope you'll enjoy it as much as we did making it.

~The Hunter

****What this version of the mod includes****

-1 completly new playable side (the N.O.R.A.D.)
-AI support for all differculties
-New resource gathering systems
-Several new maps and some reworks of original ZH maps to support the new gameplay
-Completly new Sound effects and Particle effects (explosions, Muzzle flashes ect.)
-Original Sound track from the original game (provided you downloaded the music addon)
-Good old style gameplay without the need of any complex upgrading and researches


--WGZH Team--

The_Hunter - Mod Leader, INI Coder, Modeller, Skinner, 2D Artist
Rade - Co-Leader, Modeller, Skinner, Scripter, 2D Artist
Mathias - Sound Designer
nipthecat - Mapper, Mission Scripter
Comr4de - Mapper, Concept Artist
CrazyKenny - Mapper
SpiderSpag - Mapper

--Other people who contributed to this mod--

Inter Active Studios - For creating the original WarGames that inspired us all to create this mod.
Sleipnir - For his alternative Menu interface that was used for this mod.
Screaming Cricket - For the Stealth bomber model and skin
Stinger - For beta testing the mod
Revan - For beta testing the mod
Judgement - For beta testing the mod
Alias - For beta testing the mod
E.V.E. - For beta testing the mod
Prophet of the Pimps - For beta testing the mod
CryptKeeper - For beta testing the mod
Jordan - For beta testing the mod
BlowTheBullet - For designing and coding our website
NGM_ZH - For the skirmish map Dre's Lake

if you would like to know more news on the mod be sure to visit our website at or drop by on our forum

If you wish to use any of the content from this mod you will have to contact us through the forum for permission this content of this mod is not free for your own use and may not be sold on disks or other data storage devices.

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