Command and Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour Downloads > Total Conversion Mods:

Command And Conquer: Untitled

Download nameCommand And Conquer: Untitled
Game: Command and Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour
Author: No Life Studios
Category: Total Conversion Mods
File Size: 176.3MB
MD5 Hash: N/A
Version: 1.474
Downloaded 7010 times.
Added on: Feb, 11th 2010 03:08 AM (03:08)
I know you want to like it ;)

Command And Conquer: Untitled adds new units and gameplay changes to each one of the factions in Zero Hour. The list of edits and tweeks is too large to list here, so scroll down and refer to the ReadME for the full change log.

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Command & Conquer: Untitled modification, By the No-Life Studios Team.
Version 1.474 (Build 774)


Project Name : Command & Conquer: Untitled
Internal Build Number : 774
Version : 1.474
Mod Start Date : June 12 2005, First release was Build 313 back in 2006
Compability : It's mandatory to patch to version 1.4
Online Compability : Not tested yet..
Lan Compability : Some random mismatches occour. But otherwise, it's somewhat fine. :P

Get a popcorn since it might take ages to finish reading this! :P
and for those who care, Build 300 was Version 1.0 and the public alpha released two years ago was version 1.013 (build 313).


1. Read Me First
1.1 Introduction and License Term
1.2 Installation Notes

2. Mod's Changes
2.0 General Balances/Changes
2.1 Global GLA Changes
2.1.1 Vanilla GLA
2.1.2 Toxin General
2.1.3 Stealth General
2.1.4 Demolition General
2.2 Global USA Changes
2.2.1 Vanilla USA
2.2.2 Airforce General
2.2.3 Superweapon General
2.2.4 Laser General
2.3 Global China Changes
2.3.1 Vanila China
2.3.2 Nuclear General
2.3.3 Infantry General
2.3.4 Tank General
2.4 Other Changes
2.4.1 Extras

3. Misc
3.1 Credits
3.2 Contacts

1.1 Introduction and License Terms


C&C Untitled Modification is provided on a "As-is" basis,
The C&C Untitled or the rest of the No-Life Studios team accept no responsibility should the modification or it's coupled launcher damage or fry your hardware or software.

This modification is provided free of charge and must remain so. do not, under any circumstances, pay for this modification.

If you did pay in order to get a copy of this modification , ask the guy your money back and kick his **** and jail him.

We encourage you to distribute this modification, however it must remain in an unaltered form (with the exception of compression software),
any distribution of this modification must contain a link to where the modification is primarily hosted.

This mod is only hosted in on where the creator choose to upload it and will remain so but if you're interested in hosting this modification, Feel
Free to contact the creator if you want to host this mod.

Any content used in this mod is copyrighted to its perspective owner. Any Unauthorized use of the Modification's content will force the author of this mod to drive a 300 ton tank over you.

If youâ re interested in using some of the materials in this mod, please contact the creator of this modification (Chris â mohaa_ca[at]

©2006-2009 No-Life Studios
Command & Conquer: Untitled mod is for non-commercial use only.

This mod basically improves, enhance, refurbish and refines the gameplay of C&C Generals ZeroHour gameplay mechanics without straying away
from the feel and look of the original game.

There are also additional units, custom sound effects, new upgrades, new models, refurbished existing models etc. For all factions and sub-factions ingame, including the civilians.

This version is basically and intented to be an epic update for the old version that was released two years ago.

You may notice some items from different mods like C&C Shockwave for example. Don't worry, some of them were either released for free to the public and some items used here are used with permission.
But, Some models, cameo portraits, particles, textures are purely made by the C&C Untitled team.

1.2 Installation Notes
This mod requires Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour version 1.04. Make sure you've installed the game and the patch
to play this mod, and there is no other mod installed in your game directory.

To install this mod, just copy the BIG file to your Zero Hour game directory. But make sure there is no other mod installed in the game

If you have the previous C&C Untitled mod version, just remove t the old .big file andr replace file with the new one included here.

To remove the mod, remove the BIG file and the shortcut file.

As for Worldbuilder, just backup the default Worldbuilder.exe and replace the exe with the one included in this file.

To remove, just replace the C&C U worldbuilder with the exe file you backed up earlier.


2.0 General Balance/ Misc Changes:
-Did some massive code cleanup in WeaponObjects.ini.
-Removed a few duplicate modules that was scattered in the ini codes.
-Removed Duplicate armour entries that exist in Armor.ini.
-Removed a few redundant codes in some units.
-Tweaked a few terrain textures.
-Tweaked a few unit locomotor settings.
-Fixed the Cloud Shadow Bug that existed in previous versions.
-Increased infantry resistance to shock weapons.
-Minor tweaks and fixes to some art files.
-Lamp posts now "lights up" on night maps.
-Optimized a few Zero Hour maps to decrease lag.
-Reduced the counts of building chunks comming out of destroyed buildings.
-Corrected a few mapping errors in some maps.
-Added a few extra details to a few official ZH maps.
-Fixed the paradrop drop delay bug.
-Tweaked a few campaign maps.
-Fixed a few bugs in the ZH campaign.
-Corrected a few texture errors that exist in ZH Maps.
-Corrected a few AI paths problems that that exist in ZH maps.
-Corrected the Radar alerts.
-Corrected a few grammar mistakes in the tooltips.
-Fixed a few errors in the main menu.
-Conducted some majour code cleanup to increase performance.
-Increased cruising altitude of aircrafts from 101ft to 150ft
-Optimized some particle systems.
-Improved a few existing blast effects.
-Improved a few Death effects.
-Polished some crude particle effects.

-Minor changes done to the AI Behaviour.
-Fixed a few AI script bugs.
-Fixed a few unit Pathfinding problems that exist at the early official release of the mod.

-New Aircraft TakeOff Sound.
-New Aircraft Crash Sound.
-New Aircraft "screech" sounds when landing on an airfield.
-Added a sound effect when you place a building to the ground.
-Restored a few unused sound FX's and unit voices.
-Minor tweaks done to the sound effects.
-Fixed a few bugs where the audio kinda mutes completly.
-Tweaked a few unit weapon sounds.
-Increased the volume of some selected sound effects.
-Added sound effect when an aircraft falls to earth
-Lowered a few sound fx's volume that were too loud ingame.

-Tech buildings can now be disabled by a microwave tank.
-Tanks can now Reverse.
-Reduced Research time of the Capture Building upgrade from 30 secs to 25 secs.
-Trees can be burned and crushed again.
-Props (eg: street lights) can now be blasted and crushed again.
-Civilians can now be targeted.
-Emergency Repair can now be used to repair buildings.
-Bombs (eg: carpet bomb) now correctly inflict damage when "DIRECTLY" hitting structures.
-Added more Starting choices:
[as follows]

-Tweaked the amount of Generals points in the General promotion menu:
[as follows]
-Rank 1 = 1PT's
-Rank 2 = 2PT's
-Rank 3 = 2PT's
-Rank 4 = 2PT's
-Rank 5 = 3PT's

-Infantry Resistance to Tank attacks has been reduced.
-Infantry Resistance to RPG Attacks has been reduced.

-A few effects refinement was made on the weapon effects.
-New muzzle flash and smoke effects on some units.
-Added Muzzle flash and muzzle flare for Infantries.
-New missile trails on some units.
-Restored a few Heroic gun fire effects.
-Tank shells now have shelltrails
-New strafe ground effect for the A-10 Strike.
-New Shell Impact Effects for the Artillery Barrage.
-Refined a few unit effects.
-Fixed a couple of weapon effect Bugs.
-Made some tweaks to existing effects
-Improved a few explosion effects.
-Tweaked jet crash effects.

-New Infantry Skins.
-Rescaled Every infantry ingame.
-Rescaled Few Missiles used by weapons, like the RPG Trooper missiles.
-Civilian cars now have damage effects when getting shot.
-New-ish Splash Screen..
-Revamped General Alexander's Portrait.
-Restored the Vanilla General Colored Main Menu.
-Modified the "Low" and "Medium" settings from the Option Menu.

-Waypoint Command control changed to Shift+W.
-Guard function enhanced.
(your units can now follow and guard any of your own or allies unit and/or structures by targetting them with the guard cursor)
-Restored the force move Command.
(Press ALT and target an enemy infantry so the unit will crush it, instead of aiming your vehicle and hoping for the best)
-Restored the "Toggle Lower Details" Command.
(Incase of your game becomes laggy, Just Press '=' (without the quotemarks) to lower your game setting to medium while playing)

-Now Respond faster to a structure that needs some repairs when idle.

2.1 Global GLA Changes
-New Worker Shoes cameo.
-Various Tweaks and Improvement of some unit cameos.
-Buildings now display upgrade cameo for fortified structure even in fake structures.
-Restored a Few Unit Voices.
-Increased Worker's health from 100 to 140.
-Fixed the bug where the Cargo planes propellers doesn't spin when damaged or in critical health.
-Reduced Rebel Camo upgrade from 2000 to 1000.
-Reduced Rebel Camo Upgrade research from 60 seconds to 40 seconds.
-Reduced Booby trap upgrade from 1000 to 500.

-Fixed the animations bugs on the mob members.
-Corrected a few death animations.
-Increased rock and molotov range from 100 to 120ft.
-Fixed the bug where the weapon speed of the molotov doesn't match the rock weapon speed.
-Increased pistol weapon range from 100 to 115ft.
-Increased AK-47 weapon range from 120 to 125ft.

-Fixed the bug where Bombtrucks cannot disguise properly as avengers.
-Increased health from 220 to 250.
-Tweaked the locomotor abit.

-FAKE BUILDINGS (DEMO Gen not included) :
-Increased Primary Damage from 200 to 600.
-Increased Secondary Damage from 50 to 150.
-Reduce Primary Blast radius from 50 to 25.
-Increased Secondary Blast radius from 50 to 100.
-Tweaked and improved the blast damage of the Fake buildings.
-Fake buildings now matches the health of the real counterparts of it. Example: Fake building barracks have 1000HP, Real barracks have 1000HP etc,.
-Improved Detonation effects of the fake buildings.

-Increased Damage from 10 to 15
-Build time increased from 5 seconds to 15, Its the same as in Vanilla Generals.
-New Fire Sound.

-Rebel now displays upgrade cameo for Booby Traps.
-Gaved the Rebel a AK-47 Rifle Model (except Thrax's Toxin Rebel)
-Now have proper animations when cheering.
-Increased Hitpoints from 120 to 140.

-Fixed The Snipe Pilot Ability bug of Jarmen Kell.
-Now, All of the faction especific version of Jarmen now detect stealth units properly.
-Tweaked and fixed a few animation settings.

-Now Deploys faster.
-Fixed the Cameo Bug of the Sneak Attack.
-New Cameo and Selection Portrait.
-Now Doesn't leave a rubble when killed since its pointless.

-Corrected the cameo used for "infiltrating" buildings.
-Saboteurs now have a climbing animation when climbing a cliff rather than walking into the cliff like a retarded person.
-Tweaked a few settings in its "infiltration" ability.

-Now uses the correct debris models.
-Increased Damage caused by the Scorpion Tank's AT Rocket by 5%.
-Tank Gun Now Inflict 5% more damage to units and stuff.
-Now Benefits from the AP-Rockets Upgrade as they should have been in the first place.
-Now Says something when using the Forcemove command.
-Fixed the bug where it turns into its pristine model when killed while in 1nd and 2rd salvage level.
-Increased Rocket's speed from 150 to 160.
-Increased Rocket's min speed from 120 to 135.

-Increased Damage from 10 to 15. (when upgraded: 15 to 20)
-Weapon Now Reloads in 6 seconds instead of 5.
-Restored the Original attack range.
-Reduced Minimun attack range from 150 to 50.
-Now Benefits from the AP-Rockets Upgrade as they should have been in the first place.
-New model.
-Tweaked the locomotor a little..

-Now have a *DETONATE NOW* Button, You can now blast him anytime you want.
-Now have Death Voices when detonated.

-No longer leave salvage crates (due to their nature, they shouldnt).
-Now have SoundEffects when switching to Bunker mode and landing to the ground. (like in the missions)
-Locomotor Now have Suspension.
-Corrected the effects when the bus is getting shot.
-Can Now Properly Target Air units when forcefiring.
-Can now be ordered to fire at units when it has passengers.
-Reduced Bunker's health from 600 to 500.

-Tweaked a few stuff in its locomotor.
-New sound fx when moving.

-SCUD Launchers now leave salvage crates as they should have been.
-Missile now correctly inflict damage when "DIRECTLY" hitting structures.
-Can Now Send units somewhat flying due to its shockweapon..when the missile detonates.
-Reduced Range from 365 to 350.
-With salvage 1: reduced range from 450 to 370.
-With salvage 2: reduced range from 450 to 420.
-Added a Shockwave particle effect.
-Now properly shows the AP Rockets Upgrade Cameo.
-Now Properly benefits from AP rockets.
-Increased Missile speed from 200 to 350.
-New Firesound.
-Minor Tweaks to the launch effects.
-Increased guard/vision range from 180ft to 200ft.

-Missiles Now correctly inflict damage when "DIRECTLY" hitting structures.
-Now Inflict more damage.
-Increased reload time from 5mins to 6mins since it does more damage compared to other Superweapons.

-Increased Attack Range from 150 to 175.
-Fixed the bug where the lvl 2 scrap weapon won't fire properly.
-Tweaked the locomotor's suspension setting.
-Reduced Normal Speed from 40 to 38.
-Increased Critical health speed from 33 to 34.
-Tweaked the marauder tank's fire sound to sound abit more punchy.

-Poison Now kills 2 infantry at a time when shooting a garrisoned structure instead of knocking them all out in one shot.
-Fixed the bug where the toxin tractor's toxin stream comes out in the wrong position when it has either level 1 or 2 salvage gun.
-Tweaked the model so it looks more "fatter" and "meaner".
-Added the "suspension" effect to the locomotor.
-Corrected Geometry size.
-New Cameo Portrait.

-New MG Firing Sound For the Technical.
-Now Have an Exit Delay when exiting its transported stuff just like the humvee.
-Can now shoot Air Targets when it reach the 3rd salvage level to make it more usefull.
-The 2nd Salvage level (aka the cannon) Now Inflict "EXPLOSION" Damage instead of "COMANCHE_VULCAN".
-Increased the Machine gun's damage from 8.0 to 10.0.

-RPG Trooper Now Gets the APRockets Upgrade as they should have been in the first place.
-Increased damage from 40 to 45.

-Fixed a few bugs on the model.
-Improved Model for the quad cannon.
-Now shows the muzzle flash when shooting either land or air.
-Gun Barrel now recoils.
-Decreased shot delays from 250 millisecond to 100 milliseconds.
-Decreased level 1 salvage shot delay from from 100 milliseconds to 90 milliseconds.
-Decreased level 2 salvage shot delay from from 90 milliseconds to 50 milliseconds.
-New Gun sound when reaching level 2 salvage.

2.1.1 Vanilla GLA:
-Corrected the death voice.
-Explosive Mode rocket now have a tiny shockwave blast amount.

2.1.2 Toxin General
-Made a few Balance tweaks.
-Fixed some "bugs" contained in GC_Chem_GLAUnits.ini in order to fix some other bugs in the missions.
-Fixed the bug where the structure "Holes" spawn the wrong worker.

-Corrected the death voice.

-STINGER SITES (Stinger soldiers)
-Decreased damage when attacking air units.
-Slowed the Missile's speed to match the same missile speed of the default stingers.

-Now Correctly use its Cameo
-Now Benefits from the AP Rockets Upgrade.
-Damage Inflicted By RPG Troopers Are reduced
-New Rocket trails.
-Now benefits from the Anthrax Gamma Upgrade.

-Increased Primary Damage from 10 to 12.
-Increased Primary Damage Radius from 10 to 11.
-Increased Primary Range 145 to 150.
-Increased Primary Damage from 10 to 15.
-Increased Primary Damage Radius from 10 to 12.
-Increased Primary Range 145 to 151.

-Reduced damage inflicted to Aircrafts.
-New rocket trails.

-Now Properly shows the upgrade icon of the AnthraxGamma and AnthraxBeta upgrade

-Combat bikes with toxin rebels now fires a toxin stream as they should have been in the first place

-Reduced Price from 750 to 700.

-Now doesn't gain from AP bullets Upgrade.
-Can Now be equipped with booby traps.

2.1.3 Stealth General
-Now Benefits from the AP rockets Upgrade.
-Re-Arranged the Arms Dealer command buttons.
-New Unit: Scimitar Tank
-Restored Boobytrap upgrade for the rebels.

-Added Hi-explosive warhead mode to Toxin General's scud launcher.

-New Weapon sound.
-New Engine Sounds.
-New Cameo Portrait.
-Fixed a few model errors.
-Corrected the bug on the Salvage system.
-Removed the AP Rockets Upgrade Cameo.
-Now Correctly Shows the Junk Repair Cameo.
-Increased Price from 700 to 900$
-Increased Build time from 7.0 seconds to 7.5 seconds.
-Reduced damage from 125 to 64.
-Reduced Damage radius from 20ft to 15ft
-Reduced Range from 230 to 200.
-Decreased Shot delay from 4250 millisecond to 2100 millisecond.
-Corrected cameo and tooltip description.
-Reduced speed from 43 to 37.

-Removed Stealth ability.

-Corrected the death voice.

-Can now be equipped with booby traps.

-Removed Stealth Ability that existed in earlier versions.

-Removed Stealth Ability that existed in earlier versions.

2.1.4 Demolition General
-Fixed some upgrade cameo issues in some units.
-Made the Hijacker Buildable Again.
-Infantries now have proper death fx when detonated.
-Tanks and Light vehicles now have bomb strapped to them after the suicide upgrade is triggered.
-Rehauled the suicide packs, now they're more efficient. Coding wise.
-All units dies properly while upgraded with suicide packs.
-New Unit : Jagdtiger

-Improved suspension locomotor effect.
-New fire SoundFX.
-Increased speed from 33 to 38.
-Increased turn rate from 96 to 150.
-Increased turn rate (damaged state) from 90 to 125.

-Increased Primary Damage from 200 to 700.
-Increased Secondary Damage from 50 to 250.
-Reduce Primary Blast radius from 50 to 25.
-Increased Secondary Blast radius from 50 to 100.
-Tweaked and improved the blast damage of the Fake buildings.
-Fake buildings now matches the health of the real counterparts of it. Example: Fake building barracks have 1000HP, Real barracks have 1000HP etc,.
-Improved Detonation effects of the fake buildings.

-The Scud launcher have a new model.
-The Scud Launcher now deploy as originally planned (back in internal version build 0.60)
-Increased Scud's Damage.
-Now have proper debris models
-Added a "Shockwave" Effect to its weapon. Can now send units flying into the air.
-Cannot salvage stuff due to the increased damage inflicted by the rocket...
-Reduced shockwave force from 70 to 50.
-Increased Shockwave radius from 100 to 110.

-Corrected the death voice.

-Fixed the bug where it doesn't detonate when crushed or shot.
-Removed Suicide pack cameo from the portrait.

-Build speed corrected.

-New Cameo Portrait.
-Restored a Few Unused Voices
-Now Benefits from the AP rockets Upgrade.

-Reduced Price from 750 to 700.

-Missile Detonation now have the red smoke to match other units.
-Now Benefits from the AP-Rockets Upgrade as they should have been in the first place.

-Now doesn't spawn a green toxic field when dead since it has high explosive warheads anyway.
-Corrected the death effect.

2.2 Global USA Changes
-Made a new bomb model for the Daisy cutter special power.
-Tweaked and added some smoke effect to the MOAB and Daisy Cutter Blast effect.
-Little Tweaks and Improvement of some unit cameos.
-Reduced cost of the "Control rods" Upgrade from 800 to 500.
-Fixed the bug where you cant force attack a spydrone (not the scout drone) when detected.
-Increased A-10 Thunderbolt's speed from 55 to 120 (when damaged: from 120 to 100).
-Increased Anti-Tank Grenade's cost from 500 to 750.
-Fixed the bug where the Cargo planes propellers doesn't spin when damaged or in critical health.
-Increased Flashbang's cost from 650 to 1000.
-Added a tiny shockwave to the A10's missile detonation.
-New Fuel Air Bomb Explosion effects
-Added Hotkey for the AT-Grenades.

-Fixed the Microwave Tank exploit.
-Fixed the bug where the crates misses.
-Made the crate parachute larger.
-Corrected the Object's Geometry Size.

-Reduced Hellfire drone's damage from 40 to 30.

-Improved Comanche Rocket Barrage Cameo.
-New Cameo For the Spectre Gunship Cameo (except AirGen).
-Spectres now properly show the upgrade icon of the Countermeasures.

-New Pimped Model and Texture.
-New Cameo For Col. Burton.
-Fixed the bug where colonel burton could destroy aircraft using the knife-attack.

-Fixed The comanche's firing Issue.
-Comanche's rockets damage type reverted back to "EXPLOSION".
-Now shows the rocket pods by default, Instead of just magically appearing when upgraded with Rocket Pods.
-Fixed the machine gun so it matches the one found in VGenerals.
-Increased Rocketpod ammo from 7 to 20.
-Reduced locomotor "sway" rate.
-Reduced Rocket Barrage Range from 250 to 233.
-Reduced Barrage primary damage radius from 7 to 6.
-Reduced Barrage secondary damage radius from 45 to 42.
-Reduced Rocket barrage damage from 45 to 37.
-Now slows down when critically damaged.
-Fixed the bug where the comanche won't properly fire its machine gun when the target is moving.
-Reduced rocket ammo from 5 to 4.
-Reduced Missile range from 250 to 233.
-Modified the death effect spin.
-New machinegun fire sound.

-Added *Rotor-Wash* effects on the chinooks when on the ground.
-Now correctly show the upgrade icon of the Supply Lines
-Now have Death Voices when killed.
-Reduced locomotor "sway" rate.
-Reduced Speed from 150 to 140.
-Increased speed (when damaged) from 60 to 75.
-Reduced Price from 1200 to 1000 (globally except granger's chinook and combat chinook).

-Reduced Pathfinder's damage by 20%
-Now requires two shots in order to kill one hero or minigunners. Jarmen is the king of snipers :P !

-New model and texture.
-Fixed the bug where the Stealth Fighter uses the wrong "low fuel" voices.
-Primary damage radius changed from 5.0 to 6.0.
-Primary Damage increased from 100 to 110.
-Range increased from 220 to 225.
-Reduced reload time from 8 seconds to 4 seconds.
-Increased vision and guard range of Stealth Fighters from 180 to 195.
-Stealth fighter's now have new missile models.

-Now Benefits from the Drone Armor Upgrade.
-Reskinned the Sentry Drone.
-Fixed the Sentry Drone's Model.
-Increased Detection Range from 225 to 350.
-Minor Tweaks in its Locomotor Setting.
-Doesn't Need to Deploy when ordered to move or attack (since i find it retarded).
-Minor Fixes to its locomotor.
-New Cameo For The Sentry Drone.
-Decreased Damage from 10 to 8.
-Corrected the bug where the engine sfx goes silent when damaged.
-Reduced Health from 325 to 275.
-The Sentry MG Upgrade can now be purchased PER unit and not a global upgrade.
-Machine gun upgrade cost reduced from 500 to 255.
-Reduced Sentry drone price (for all faction) to $650.
-Reduced Machine gun upgrade research time from 20 seconds to 15 seconds.
-New Firesound.

-Now uses the correct weapon sound.
-Now have "repair" spark sounds.

-Can Now be Equipped with AT Grenades (requires flashbang before using the AT grenade),
-New Rifle Sound.
-Gave the Ranger a m16m203 rifle model, Except the Laser Ranger.
-Flashbangs Now kills 1 infantry at a time when shooting a garrisoned structure instead of knocking them all out in one shot.
-AT-Grenades now miss infantry targets by 15.0ft when moving.
-Removed AT-Grenades Secondary Blast effect.
-Changed AT-Grenade's damage from Explosion to Armor Piercing.
-New AT-Grenade Upgrade Cameo.
-New Switch to flashbang and Grenade Cameo.

-Every Drones Now Recieves 25% increase in Armor from the Drone Upgrade Instead of 50%
-Spy Drone (yes, spydrones not scout drones) are not selectable anymore since it cant move anyway.

-Fixed the Warfactory's Small cameo (now it matches the large one).

-Corrected the Missile used when it fires at air targets.
-Reduced TOW Missile Damage from 40 to 30.
-Fixed the bug where the Tow missile uses a different rocket trail when engaging air units.
-Reduced Machine gun's damage from 10 to 9.0.
-New Fire sound.

-Now Properly Shows the Upgrade Icon of the HellFire Drone.
-No longer heals vehicles since it makes the Battledrones Obsolete.
-Increased vision range.

-New Firebase Model.
-FireBase Have a new Shell Detonation FX.
-Fixed FireBase's incorrect fire-angle issue.
-Corrected sound for all USA Generals when a Firebase is selected.
-New Weapon Firing sound.
-Fixed the Bug where it turns pink when reallydamaged in snow maps.
-Fixed the bug where it doesn't auto acquire enemies within the attack range.

-Increased Vision/Guard range from 200 to 250.
-Tweaked missiles to be *Almost* accurate when upgraded to Laser Missiles.
-Corrected the Weapon Fire sound.
-Increased Speed from 175 to 200.
-Increased "damaged" speed from 120 to 150.
-Increased "damaged" Acceleration from 30 to 55.
-Reduced Turn speed from 150 to 100.

-Increased The rate of fire from 200 to 135.
-Fixed a few bugs on the model and code.

-Restored the second PDL Laser.
-Fixed the Avenger's Death Effect (now it burns before it explode).
-Removed the Composite Armor from the Avengers.
-Fixed The Avenger's Locomotor.
-Made the Avenger 3% faster.
-New Cameo For the Avenger.
-Now Leave track marks when moving.
-Its now Pre-Tech again.
-Fixed the Dual Turret bug.

-Tomahawk missiles now have rocket engine sounds.
-Tomahawk Launchers now leaves salvage crates when a GLA unit kills it.
-New Missile Detonation FX.
-Now have a Guard Without Pursuit Command.
-New Cameo for the Tomahawk launcher.
-Added more Engine sounds.
-New Model for the main unit.
-New Rocket model.
-Increased Missile's speed from 200 to 350.
-New Firesound.
-Minor Tweaks to the launch effects.
-Chassis now recoils when launching its rocket.
-Increased guard/vision range from 180ft to 200ft.

-B-52 (used as a carpet bomber and other shit):
-New Model.
-New Silver-ish texture.

-New Silver-ish Texture.

-GLA units can now get a bounty when killing the pilot.
-Removed Hijacking Ability that existed from Build 313 to the internal ones.

-Now correctly inflict damage when "DIRECTLY" hitting structures.
-Removed the "Homing" of the Carpet bombs so they drop in a line again, except the MOAB.

-Corrected the Engine sounds.
-Increased the Microwave field's damage.
-Reduced Emitter's damage radius from 150 to 135.
-Reduced Emitter damage from 10 to 9.2.
-Slowed the Building clearer's ROF from 100 to 275.
-Increased the Building Disabler's Range from 200 to 220.
-Increased the Building Clearer's range from 125 to 130.
-Reduced Health from 460 to 400.
-Now have its own locomotor instead of using the Crusader's locomotor.
-Now have a working turret.
-Refurbished Model.

-Increased damage from 40 to 45.

-Improved death effects
-Aurora's don't auto attack nearby enemies anymore, It is to prevent the aurora accidentally killing their own airfield.
-Now emits debris bits when impacting the ground.
-Now have afterburner trails when in supersonic mode.

-Now have a Tougher armor.
-Decreased Gun Reload time from 7 seconds to 4.5 seconds.
-Increased Health from 1500 to 2000.
-Increased Weapon Speed from 250 to 305.
-Increased Minimum Weapon speed from 80 to 250.

-Corrected the collision box size.

-Increased Speed from 30 to 33.
-Major tweaks and other misc stuff added to the model.
-Can now drive through destroyed civilian structures.

-Overhauled the Spectre's Model.

2.2.1 Vanilla USA
-Marines taunts at the enemy when they are near before they shoot them.
-New Rifle Sounds.
-Reduced damage inflicted from 10 to 8.7
-Removed Capture Ability of the Marine.
-Reduced Speed from 20 to 17.
-Increased hitpoints from 125 to 126.
-Reduced weapon range from 144 to 140.

-now correctly show the upgrade icon of the Hellfire Drone.
-now own locomotor now.
-Fixed the Weapon Recoil.
-Fixed the Shadow bug.
-New Models and Textures.
-Reduced Health from 500 to 490.
-Can now pitch the barrel for shooting stuff way up a cliff or can pitch pointing down when a target is close.
-Reduced Turret turn rate from 180 to 150.

-Fixed the bug composite armor bug where the crusader gains 200 health points instead of 100
-Fixed the Shadow bug.
-Revamped model.
-Fixed the Weapon Recoil.
-New Death Effect.
-Can now pitch the barrel for shooting stuff way up a cliff or can pitch pointing down when a target is close.
-Now have a Machine Gun Upgrade.
-Crusader Machine gun tweaks from build 612 upto 626 (internal versions and applied to release version):
-Reduced Machine Gun Scatter vs Everything from 22ft to 10ft.
-Added the ProjectileCollidesWith parameter to the machine gun.
-Decreased Machine Gun Rate of Fire from 40 millisecond to 100 millisecond.
-Increased Machine Gun Reload time from 645 to 800 millsec.
-Increased primary damage from 5.0 to 7.0.
-Increased clip size from 45 clips to 50.
-Increased Machine Gun secondary damage from 2.0 to 2.5
-Increased Machine Gun primary damage radius from 2.0 to 2.5.
-Reduced Machine Gun's Cost from 950 to 450.
-Reduced MG's research time from 15 secs to 7.8 seconds.
-Reduced Turret turn rate from 180 to 150.

-The Patriot Battery Inflict more damage When killing ground units.
-New Rocket Smoke trail.

-Now Spawns Proper Rangers when a certain structure is killed.

2.2.2 Airforce General:
-Paradrop Special Power now drops Airforce gen's rangers instead of the default ones.
-Fixed the Bug where the Bunker Buster needed the "Stealth Fighter" Gen point.
-Fixed the bug where you can INSTANTLY build a Supply Drop Zone.
-Fixed the bug where the B3 Carpet bomber goes in circles while dropping its payload.
-New Unit: Greyhound Light APC.
-Organized AirF General's Gen Power commandset.
-B3 Carpet Bomber of Granger now uses the Bomb model seen in the third US Mission.

-Added a turret scan animation.
-Made it's locomotor abit springy.
-Changed turn offset from -0.33 to -0.45

-Reduced Health from 2500 to 1750.

-Reduced price from $700 to $600 just to match the default ambulance's price.

-New Model.
-New Sound FX.

-Removed the "Homing" of the Carpet bombs so they drop in a line again.
-Now has to be activated in the generals experience menu (Level 3 â experience point).
-Is now deployed from the Command Center instead of the Strategy Center.

-Added the missing Engine sounds.
-Corrected the bug where the engine sfx goes silent when damaged.

-All Combat Aircraft now have Lockon Warning Systems.
-All Combat Aircraft now have Slower ROF of PDL's.
-All Auxilary Aircraft now have PDL's.

-Now Uses the right Model and Cameo.
-Restored some unused voices.

-Now Gets revealed when taking damage.

-The Patriot Battery Inflict more damage When killing ground units.
-New Rocket Smoke trail.

-Corrected the Collison box's Size.

-Corrected the Engine sounds.
-Increased the Microwave field's damage.
-Increased the Microwave Emitter's radius by 30% or something :P

-Removed Stealth Ability.
-Now Only have a Detection Range of 250.
-Now correctly show the upgrade icon of the Countermeasures.
-Now Properly gains Armor when Upgraded with Countermeasures
-Increased Ammo from 4 to 6 again.
-Reduced Price from 1200$ to 1100$
-Lowered the missile delay from 200 to 90 millisecond. (80 millisecond with laser guided missile upgrade)
-Increased damage from 100 to 120. (125 for the laser guided missile upgrade.
-Tweaked and fixed a few bugs on the King Raptor's model.

-New Comanche Model
-Decreased the price of the Comanche.
-Comanche's rockets damage type reverted back to "EXPLOSION".
-Now Start Stealthed, The Stealth Comanche Upgrade is just a waste of money.
-Ejected Pilots Can now hijack vehicles.
-Increased price from $1000 to $1600
-Fixed the Escape pod Bug.
-Reduced Health points from 250 to 230.
-FINALLY Fixed the bug where the weaponbay doors constantly open and closes when it fires.

-Combat Chinooks requires an Airfield rather than a Warfactory before they can be built.
-Added *Rotor-Wash* effects on the chinooks when on the ground.
-Now correctly show the upgrade icon of the Supply Lines
-Now have Death Voices when killed.
-Added voice when attacking air units when loaded.
-Fixed the "dummy weapon", now it targets properly.
-Added fireport bones.

-Lvl 2 and 3 Spectre now has the same health of the Lvl 1
-Level 3 Spectre now correctly Shows the Upgrade icon of the Countermeasures.
-Fixed the Portrait of the Level 3 Spectre.

-Now Spawns Proper Rangers when a certain structure is killed.

2.2.3 Superweapon General
-Paradrop Special Power now drops Superweapon gen's rangers instead of the default ones.
-New Unit: XF-32 Fire Superiority Tank.

-Now Shows the Fusion reactor upgrade cameo.

-Increased Health From 240 to 260.
-New Model.
-Increased Passenger Slot from 3 to 6.
-Increased Price from $600 to $650.

-Now Uses the right Model and Cameo.
-Restored some unused voices.
-Fixed the missing fire sound.
-Fixed the bug where it cant get promoted.
-New Detonation effect for the alpha aurora's bomb.

(NOTE: This is the initial Fuel Air blast, Not the part where the first bomb launches)
-Reduced Blast radius from 100ft to 75ft.
-Reduced Blast Damage from 900 to 390.
-Increased Shockwave radius from 40 to 65.
-Decreased Shockwave Taper Off amount from 33 to 30.

-Added the missing Engine sounds.
-Corrected the bug where the engine sfx goes silent when damaged.

-Corrected the Collison box's Size.

-Corrected the Engine sounds.
-Increased the Microwave field's damage.
-Increased the Microwave Emitter's radius by 30% or something :P

-Now leaves a couple of rangers when destroyed.
-Now Blows Up instead of leaving a Rubble Model.
-Reduced the AA Attack Power of the EMP Patriot by 5%.
-Rate Of Fire now matches the Original Patriot Battery.
-Corrected the Collision box size.

-The "Small" Construct button now properly match the "Selection Portrait".

-Now have Two PointDefenceLaser as originally planned.
-Now Properly shows the upgrade icon of the Hellfire drone.

-Now Spawns Proper Rangers when a certain structure is killed.

2.2.4 Laser General
-Paradrop Special Power now drops Laser rangers instead of the default ones.
-Laser based weapons Now Inflict Flame Damage to Infantries.

-Fixed the description bug.

-The Lasers of the laser tank now matches the laser in it's cameo.
-New Cameo Portrait.
-Fixed the Weapon Recoil.
-Now have a red laser instead of a cheesy pink one.
-New engine sound effect.
-Reduced damage from 64 to 60.

-Minor tweaks to its laser FX's.

-Corrected the Engine sounds.
-Increased the Microwave field's damage.
-Increased the Microwave Emitter's radius by 30% or something :P

-The laser turret's anti-air clip size now match the anti-ground clip.
-The laser turret's anti-air fire sound now match the anti-ground fire sound.
-Now have a red laser instead of a cheesy pink one.
-Corrected the Collision box size.
-Fixed the bug where the model has no snow states.
-Fixed a few uvmapping errors.
-Increased clip size from 3 to 4.
-Reduced Shot delay from 250 to 300.
-Reduced damage to air units from 30 to 28.

-Corrected the Collison box's Size.

-Laser Paladin Now Burnsinfantries.
-now correctly show the upgrade icon of the Hellfire Drone.
-now have its own locomotor now.
-Fixed the Weapon Recoil.
-Reduced Damage Inflicted from 65 to 60.
-Reduced Reload Time from 2300 millisecond to 1000 Millisecond.
-Corrected the bug where the engine sfx goes silent when damaged.
-Reduced Health from 500 to 490.
-Fixed the bug where it requires power.

-Removed TOW Upgrade.
-Replaced TOW Upgrade with Laser Gun Upgrade

-New-ish model.
-Now have Laser Rifle
-New Cameo Portrait.
-Renamed "Switch to machine gun" to "Switch to laser rifle".
-Corrected the Description of the "switch to laser rifle" button.
-Tweaked the lasers.
-New Fire sounds.

-Now Spawns Laser Rangers when the structure is killed.

-Corrected The Control Rods Description.

2.3 Global China Changes
-Every Tank Now Benefits from the Depleted Urainium shells Upgrade.
-Artillery Barrage gets an increased weapon scatter radius in each level:
-Artillery Barrage 1 Have a scatter radius of 100ft
-Artillery Barrage 2 Have a scatter radius of 145ft
-Artillery Barrage 2 Have a scatter radius of 165ft
-Mines Now research Abit faster.
-Decreased Mine's Price to $500.
-Fixed the bug where some listening outpost eject its passenger when you force fire or target an enemy.
-Fixed the bug where the Listening outposts doesn't properly show the grid fx when detecting a stealth unit.
-Fixed the Bug where Neutron Mines cannnot be upgraded by the player.
-Increased Subliminal Messaging Upgrade's price from 500 to 1000.
-Reduced Depleted Uranium Shells upgrade cost from 2500 to 2000.
-Reduced Nationalism's price from 2000 to 1000.
-Reduced Nationalism's Research time from 60 second to 40 Second.
-Reduced Nuclear tank upgrade cost from 2000 to 1500.
-Fixed the bug where the Cargo planes propellers doesn't spin when damaged or in critical health.
-Reduced Sat hack II cost from 2500 to 1500.
-Added Whistling soundfx when falling from a plane to the EMP Pulse bomb.
-Made the EMP Pulse bomb fall faster.

-Added Mortar Soldiers to China, Nuke and Infa (tank gen is excluded).

-Provides access to nuke cannons and Nuclear upgrades.
-Costs $1,900.
-Build time of 30 second.

-Fixed the bug where the Supply truck get easily blasted with a shockwave type weapon.

-Increased speed from 30 to 33.

-Corrected the death voices of lotus when it dies from the following death types:
-Poison gamma
-Poison beta.

-The Suppy Center's Portait now matches the small version of it.
-Corrected its Geometry Size.

-Corrected the voice when got killed by poison gamma.
-Now uses the correct death voices when killed by ordinary weapons.

-Now gains a speed boost from the new upgrade called "Engine modernization".
-Improved model and texture.
-Increased Vision/Guard Range from 200 to 250
-Fixed bug where it emits its jet trail under the chassis when taking off
-New Cameo Portrait.
-All MiG's (except tao's) now do "JET_MISSILE" damage type to units instead of "EXPLOSION" damage type.
-Now Inflict flame damage to infantries (except for tao's MIG).
-Fixed the Bug where the MiG missile damage type changes to explosive with black napalm upgrade instead of sticking to jet missile damage.
-Corrected and improved the fire sound.
-Restored the Low Fuel Voice.
-Increased Speed from 160 to 165.
-Reduced reload time of Napalm from 8 seconds to 4.5 second.
-Reduced Blacknapalm missiles reload time from 4.5 second to 3 seconds.
-Reduced Damage inflicted from 110 to 80.
(with black napalm: Reduced damage from 120 to 82.)
-Reduced Secondary Napalm Damage from 40 to 30.
(with black napalm: Reduced secondary damage from 50 to 45.)

-Increased Hitpoints of the Dragon tank (from 280 to 300)
-New Death effect.
-Fixed the Building Clearer FX Bug when upgraded with black napalm.
-Now Have a "Ram" Voice when using the "Force-Move" ability.
-Minor tweaks to its flame fx.
-Fixed the Bug where the black napalm firewall's range doesn't match the unupgraded flame.
-Fixed the firewall flame ability bug.

(before researching the black napalm)
-Reduced Primary Damage radius from 15 to 12.
-Reduced Secondary Damage radius from 15 to 4.5.

(after researching the black napalm upgrade)
-Reduced Primary Damage radius from 16 to 13.5.
-Reduced Secondary Damage radius from 16 to 4.5.

-Restored the Bayonet Attack
-Gaved the Redguard an AK-47 Rifle Model (except the minigunner)-[bolt attack never changed]
-Fixed the Bug where the Redguard Could Kill Aircraft using The Bayonet Attack
-Corrected the voice when got killed by poison gamma.
-Corrected walking animation's timing.

-Missiles now properly inflict damage when "DIRECTLY" hitting structures.
-Added a shock weapon so it can send stuff flying.
-Added a few tweaks with its Detonation fx.
-The Nuclear Silos now have a new deploy sound.
-Reduced the Geometry Height to reduce the risk of stray missiles hitting it.
-Decreased reload time from 6mins to 5mins to make this superweapon worth while.
-Increased Nuclear Missile's acceleration rate.

-Removed the "Homing" of the Carpet bombs so they drop in a line again.
-Now Correctly inflict damage when "DIRECTLY" hitting structures.

-Now have a Guard Without Pursuit Command.
-Added more kick to it's fire sound.
-Added a tiny shockwave amount to the Neutron shell weapon.
-Tweaked the shell detonation effects.
-Increased Attack Range from 350 to 400.
-Increased the primary weapon's shockwave amount from 25 to 27.
-Increased Speed from 20 to 23 (when damaged: from 18 to 19).
-Increased Weapon Shell Speed from 200 to 300.
-Increased Weapon Speed from 200 to 300.
-Increased Minimum Weapon Speed from 150 to 250.
-Increased guard/vision range from 180ft to 200ft.

-FLAME WEAPONS (EG: Dragon tank):
-Can now "clean" toxic and radiation spills.

-TROOPCRAWLER (except the Assault Crawler):
-Speed Increased from 40 to 45.
-Damaged Speed increased from 30 to 35.
-Increased Hitpoints of the Troop Crawler (from 240 to 300)

-New Upgrade icons for the Gattling Cannon, Propaganda tower and the Battle Bunker.
-Now have there own armor (originally, its the same as the chinook).
-Reduced the Napalm Bomb research time from 20 seconds to 17.5 seconds.
-Reduced the Gattling cannon cost from $1200 to $1000.
-Modified the death effect spin.
-New Fire Sound.
-Reduced Gattling Cannon Shot delay from 250 millisecond to 150 millisecond.

-Increased the Missile Jammer's radius by 30% or something.
-Increased Vehicle Jammer range from 200 to 210.
-New engine sounds.
-Fixed the bug where it uses the Gattling tank's locomotor.
-Fixed the treads. So now it moves when the tank moves.
-Remove missile jammer's minimun range.

-Can now be upgraded with Minefields like any other Chinese structures.
-Now properly shows the Subliminal Messaging upgrade icon.
-Increased Health from 300 to 1000.

-Re-Enabled the Attached Speaker tower.
-Health Increased from 1000 to 2000 to increase its survivablity.
-Now gains from Subliminal Messaging Upgrade.
-Now creates rubble chunks when killed.

-Can now go to rubble surfaces like destroyed civilian buildings.
-Barrel now recoils faster.
-Recoil Amount Reduced.
-Minor Audio Enhancement.
-Fixed the Shadow bug.
-Fixed the bug where the debris can be still targeted by anti air units.
-Corrected the DeathFX.
-Fixed a bug where the gattling gun's of the emperor and overlord is having a hard time aiming.
-Increased Gattling's turret pitch and turn rate from 60 to 75.
-Made the Gattling cannon add-on perform ALOT better.

-Increased turret turn rate from 60 to 75.

-Restored the Cheering/Taunting animations.
-Corrected the voice when got killed by poison gamma.
-TNT Attack will still explode even after the Tank Hunter died.
-Increased damage from 40 to 45.
-Fixed the bug where it doesn't properly use the exploded death animation.

-Tweaked a few locomotor settings to SOMEWHAT fix that acceleration/Deceleration glitch.
-Can now pitch the barrel for shooting stuff way up a cliff or can pitch pointing down when a target is close.
-Corrected the bug where the Battlemaster's engine sfx goes silent when damaged.
-Treads now moves.
-Revamped Models.
-Battlemasters now gets a machine gun globally.

-Tweaked a few locomotor settings to SOMEWHAT fix that acceleration/Deceleration glitch.
-Now Moves Slower when in critical health (bug fix from VGenerals Patch v 1.6).
-Gun Now Spins up faster.
-Increased The Weapon's Rate of Fire.
-Increased Resistance to Missile attacks.
-Fixed the Bug where it doesn't use the Attack voice when targetting air units.

-Gun Now Spins up faster.
-Increased The Weapon's Rate of Fire.
-New Portrait and Cameo.

-Decreased acceleration from 1000 to 160 (when damage: 1000 to 120).
-Decreased the shots required to trigger a firestorm from 6 to 5.
-Increased Health from 120 to 130.
-Increased range from 300 to 350.
-New Weapon sound.
-Now recoils when firing.
-New "bombard" ability added.

(after blacknapalm)
-Increased Damage inflicted from 30 to 35.
-Decreased the time required to trigger the firestorm from 4000 millisecond to 3500 millisecond.

-New Cameo Portrait.

-Fixed the bug where it didn't show the radar upgrade icon at the command bar.
-Tweaked the geometry setting abit.

2.3.1 Vanilla China
-Corrected the Carpet Bomber's Ambient Loop.
-Fixed the Bug where the Warfactory didn't required power (was introduced accidentally in other dev versions)

-Restored the Original Fire Sound FX from Vanilla Generals.
-Restored the Engine sound fx from VGen.
-Corrected the Geometry size.

-The Helix now displays upgrade cameo for black napalm.
-Now displays the cameo upgrade of the Napalm Bomb.

-Reduced price from $800 to $750
-Made Fixes and tweaks to its model.
-New Weapon sound.

2.3.2 Nuclear General:
-Frenzy button vanishes from Nuke General's Command Center with Neutron mines upgrade bug are now fixed.
-Reduced the research time of the Isotope Stability from 60 sec to 50 sec.
-Reduced the price of the Isotope Stability upgrade from 2000 to 1000.
-Fixed the bug where half of the structures can't upgrade EMP mines properly.
-New Upgrade located at research center: Weapons Grade Uranium shells.
-Corrected Detonation sounds of the Nuclear Carpet Bomb.
-Tweaked Detonation FX's of the Nuclear Carpet Bomb.

-Nuke Hunter's Price decreased from 400 to 300.
-Decreased buildtime from 7.0 to 5.0 secs.

-Now Loaded with Nuke General's Redguard instead of the China ones.

-Now displays upgrade cameo for isotope stability.
-Fixed the bug where the barrel doesn't pitch.
-New Weapon sound.
-New Engine sounds.
-Reduced price from $800 to $750.
-Reduced build time from 12 seconds to 10 just to match other battlemasters.
-Made Fixes and tweaks to its model.
-New Weapon sound.
-Corrected the Geometry size.
-Corrected the Debris models.
-Doesn't start with a Radiation field anymore.
-Now Benefits from Weapons Grade Uranium shells upgrade (gets the rad pool back and +25 damage).

-Reduced reload time from 5 minutes to 4:30 minutes.

-Now displays upgrade cameo for isotope stability.
-Doesn't start with a Radiation field anymore.
-Now Benefits from Weapons Grade Uranium shells upgrade (gets the rad pool back and +25 damage).

-Increased Health from 240 to 310.
-Reduced the Nuke Cannon's price.
-Now uses the proper model.
-Increased Range from 350 to 400.

-Corrected the Select Sound to match the default ones.

-Now correctly display upgrade cameo for the nuke bomb.

-Increased Vision/Guard Range from 200 to 250
-Fixed bug where it emits its jet trail under the chassis when taking off
-New Cameo Portrait.
-Reduced the Shockwave Amount inflicted by its Tactical Nuke Missile.
-Removed the Upgrade cameo of the black napalm since its not available to start with.
-Reduced reload time of the missiles from 8 seconds to 4.5 second.
-Increased Tactical Nuke missiles reload time from 2 seconds to 4.5 seconds,
-Reduced primary damage from 120 to 100. (without tactical nuke missile upgrade)
-Increased primary damage from 175 to 195. (with tactical nuke missile upgrade)
-Increased secondary damage from 45 to 90. (with tactical nuke missile upgrade)
-Increased secondary damage radius from 30 to 50.(with tactical nuke missile upgrade
-Removed Shockwave effect on its default weapon.

2.3.3 Infantry General
-Patriotism Upgrade now has it own icon image.
-Reduced Patriotism's cost from 2000 to 1500.
-Reduced Partiotism's Research time from 60 seconds to 50 Seconds.
-Fixed the bug where half of the structures can't upgrade EMP mines properly.
-Added Regular Troopcrawler to the warfactory.
-Added Regular Redguard to the barracks.

-Fixed The Bug where the Frenzy button disappears after upgrading with Neutron mines.
-Fixed The Bug where the Carpet bomber button disappears after upgrading with Neutron mines.
-Re-arranged a few command buttons.

-New Cameo Portrait.
-Restored a Few Unused Voices.

-New Cameo Portrait.
-Corrected and fixed the Cameo's quality.
-Increased health from 1000 to 1700.
-Reduced Infantry capacity from 10 to 6.

-New Models and Animations.
-Now Benefits from the Chain Gun Upgrade.
-Minigunner has a New Cameo.
-Reduced Damage and Range of Minigunners against aircraft.(balance)
-Decreased Health from 245 to 125
-Now displays the upgrade cameo for capture building.
-Now Inflict Small Arms damage either land or air.
-Corrected walking animation's timing.
-Increased Damage from 6.0 to 8.0.
-Lowered Shot delay from 600ms to 400.

-Corrected the Select Sound to match the default ones.

-Increased cost from 1500$ to 1850$
-Now displays the cameo upgrade of the Napalm Bomb.

-Decreased health from 540 to 420.
-Price Increased from 1200 to 1600.
-Now Correctly Display the upgrade cameo of Subliminal messaging.
-Can Now Properly Target Air units when force firing or manual targeting.
-Corrected a few 3d model errors.
-Fixed the targetting bug.
-New Cameo Portrait.
-Speed Increased from 40 to 45.
-Damaged Speed increased from 30 to 35.

-Now Correctly Display the upgrade cameo of Subliminal messaging.
-Decreased Transport capacity from 10 to 5.
-Passengers can now properly target Air Units.
-New model.
-Corrected the tooltip.
-Fixed the targetting bug.

-Reduced cost from 1100 to 900.

-Reduce Build cost from 900 to 800.

2.3.4 Infantry General
-Fixed the tank drop bug where paradropped tanks can be shot down by non AA weapons.

-Now Benefits from the Depleted Uranium Shells Upgrade.
-New Weapon sound.
-New Engine sounds.

-New Model and Cameo Portrait.
-Increased Health from 300 hitpoints to 305 hitpoints.
-New Fire Weapon sound.

-Now Correctly Shows the Subliminal Messaging Upgrade Cameo.
-Fixed the bug where The Emperor Don't gain from the Subliminal Messaging Upgrade.
-Fixed the bug where Emperor Tanks turn into Overlords when destroyed.
-Increased Health from 900 to 1100.
-Now have a new Fire Effect.
-Now have its own weapon instead of using the default overlord's weapon.
-Barrel now recoils faster.
-Removed the Upgrade icon of the Propaganda tower.
-Fixed the shadow bug.
-New model.
-Corrected the Unit voice.
-New Cameo Portrait.
-Increased turret turn rate from 60 to 76.

-Now Loaded with Tank General's Redguard instead of the China ones.
-Increased Price from $1,200 to $1,400.

-Now Upgrades its weapon sound fx when upgraded with autoloaders
-Reduced Health From 400 to 390
-Strapped a Puny FLAG on the rear of the tank.
-New-ish Model.
-Corrected the bug where the Battlemaster's engine sfx goes silent when damaged.
-Made Fixes and tweaks to its model.
-New Weapon sound.
-Corrected the Geometry size.

-Corrected the Select Sound to match the default ones.

-Increased Health From 250 to 300

-Decreased cost from $2000 to $1850
-Now displays the cameo upgrade of the Napalm Bomb.

-Decreased price from $780 to $625
-Corrected the voice when got killed by poison gamma.

2.4 Other Changes
-Now have 2000 hitpoints instead of 1000.

-Restored the Oil Derrick's Ambient Sound.
-New Death Effect Sound.
-Now Throw out some building chunks.
-Now starts with moving drills by default.
-Now Explodes and inflict damage when it dies.

-New Death Effect Sound.
-Now Throw out some building chunks.
-Now Explodes and inflict damage when it dies.

-Tech Repairbay now collapse when killed.

-Fixed the bug where the fire effect appears in the wrong position.
-Increased Damage from 100 to 140.
-Increased Blast radius from 10 to 25.
-Barrel now recoils.
-Fixed a few coding bugs.
-Added a sound fx when the turret rotates.
-Removed Secondary Damage.
-Fixed the bug where it won't properly target units on the ground.

-Now Brings in reinforcements in 1 min instead of the original 2 min delay.

-Corrected a few Coding Errors.
-Some selected structures now have its own deathfx.
-Tech Hospitals now collapse when killed.
-Fixed a few bug where structures don't collapse properly.

2.4.1 Extras
-Urban Hideout.
-Urban Pinch.
-The High Ground.
-Morning Glory.
-Swiss County.
-Interestate Inferno.
-Artic Trio.
-Island Paradise.

-New Road types added for mappers.
-New terrain textures added.
-Added and restored a few map sound ambient types.
-Added a few Pre-Fabricated Terrain shapes which you can use in the Mesh Mold tool in WorldBuilder.
-New and restored map props added for mappers.
-New Rock objects added for mappers.
-Restored 2 Unused Terrain textures, can now be used in WorldBuilder.
-Added New billboards props, can now be used in Worldbuilder.


3.1 Credits
Thanks to the following peoples:

Command & Conquer Untitled Team members:
Project Leader:


Public Relations:


Modelers and Texture Artists:

Concept Artist:

Lead sound design:

Assistant sound designers:

Lead Map Designer:


Lead Multiplayer Testers:

Zhen Ji

Installer art:

Installer Coder:

Former staff members:
Encrypted Darkness
The DR

Extra Credits:

for allowing me in using some of his mod's (C&C Shockwave) assets for use in C&C Untitled
for helping my coders in troubleshooting some code errors.
for giving me some insight to some interesting object codes.

for giving me some coding help and support.

for noting some ZeroHour bugs to the code errors and bugs thread in C&C Maps.
for posting interesting code fixes.

for giving me some coding support and for giving me some interesting coding ideas..

for starting the code errors and bugs thread in C&C Maps.
for posting interesting fixes to some ZeroHour bugs.
for researching and finding fixes to some ZeroHour bugs.

for the rifle models used by the infantries ingame.

for making the whoopass carpet bomb blast fx particles.

.....There's so many to list here >.

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GA Management
Feb, 13th 2010 11:02 AM (11:02)

This ReadME must be the largest in history.