GTA: San Andreas Downloads > Mods > Airplanes:

Croatian Hydra

Download nameCroatian Hydra
Game: GTA: San Andreas
Author: Mario
Category: Airplanes
File Size: 50.74KB
MD5 Hash:
Version: 1
Downloaded 2375 times.
Added on: Sep, 20th 2008 05:28 AM (05:28)
I know you want to like it ;)
This mod will replace the Hydra texture in GTA: San Andreas with that of Croatian checkerboard. Mod was inspired by the MiG-21 of the Croatian Airforce nicknamed "Kockica". This mod will only change the texture, so the 3D model will remain as that of Hydra.




1. Hrvatska Verzija (Croatian Version)
2. English version (Engleska verzija)


1. HR

Naziv moda: Hrvatska Hydra "Kockica"
Autor: Mario (MarioCRO, general_mario ili Dalt na nekim siteovima)
Datum: 20. Rujan 2008.
Website: ;;
email: mario_gamer [AT] live [dot] com
verzija: 1.0

Opis: Ovaj mod zamijenit ce teksture Hydra aviona u GTA: San Andreasu sa teksturom Hrvatske sahovnice po uzoru na
hrvatski MiG-21 nazvan "Kockica". Mod mijenja samo teksturu sto znaci da ce 3D Model ostati od Hydre.

Iduce verzije: Za sad nema planiranih novih verzija za ovaj mod ali radim na AT-400 avionu sa oznakama Croatia Airlinesa
i HR policijom sa Skodom Octaviom.

Ovaj mod mozete hostati na svojim web stranicama.


1. Skinite IMG Tool za GTA:


2. odite u direktorij gdje ste instalirali igru, pa u models i napravite kopiju gta3.img datoteke.

* ovaj korak nije potreban ali je preporucen za slucaj da zelite deinstalirati mod.
** alternativno, mozete napraviti samo backup hydra.txd datoteke unutar gta3.img datoteke sa IMG Toolom.

3. Pokrenite IMG Tool i otvorite gta3.img

4. odite na edit->find i upisite "hydra.txd"

5. kada nadete "hydra.txd" kliknite desniom tipkom misa na njega (hydra.txd) pa na replace i zamijenite ga sa hydra.txd datotekom
koju ste nasli upakiranu s ovim modom.

6. odite na Commands -> Rebuild Archive

7. Zatvorite IMG Tool i pokrenite igru.

2. EN

Mod name: Croatian Hydra "Kockica"
Author: Mario (also known as MarioCRO, general_mario or Dalt on some sites)
Date of release: September 20th, 2008
Website: ;;
email: mario_gamer [AT] live [dot] com
version: 1.0

Description: This mod will replace the Hydra texture in GTA: San Andreas with that of Croatian checkerboard. Mod was inspired
by the MiG-21 of the Croatian Airforce nicknamed "Kockica". This mod will only change the texture, so the 3D model will remain
as that of Hydra.

Future Versions: I'm not currently planning any future versions of the mod but I am working on an AT-400 modification that
would put Croatia Airlines markings on the AT-400, and on a Croatian Police Skoda Octavia.

You have my permission to host this mod on your site.


1. Download the IMG Tool for GTA:


2. Go to the game installation directory/models and make a copy of gta3.img file

* this step is not neccessary, but it's recommended in case you want to deinstall the mod
** alternatively, you can make a backup of the "hydra.txd" located inside the gta3.img

3. Run IMG Tool and open gta3.img

4. Go to edit-> find and type "hydra.txd"

5. When you've found "hydra.txd" right click it and go to replace and replace it with hydra.txd that you downloaded with
this mod.

6. Go to Commands -> Rebuild Archive

7. Close IMG Tool and run the game

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GA Management
Aug, 16th 2009 11:04 PM (23:04)

Best GTA Mod Ever ;)